Who Says the Fat Lady Has to Sing?: How to Overcome the Eight Fears that Make Us Quit on Our Lifelong Dreams


Bob Wosczyk

SKU: 9781604941586 Category:


Times are tough. People are losing their homes, their jobs, and to top it all off, the cost of gasoline is going through the roof. Good news is hard to find these days. It almost makes you want to quit on the game of life.

Are you starting to lose your will? Is the fat lady getting ready to sing? Whatever you do—DON’T LET HER! Scream at the top of your lungs, “WHO SAYS THE FAT LADY HAS TO SING?” Make the decision that TODAY will be the day that you stop living in fear, and start living for your dreams!

This book will help you conquer the eight fears that make you quit on your lifelong dreams:

  1. Fear of the Extraordinary
  2. Fear of Rising to New Heights
  3. Fear of Our Shadow
  4. Fear of Our Spouse
  5. Fear of Moving Targets
  6. Fear of Failure
  7. Fear of Unworthiness
  8. Fear of Our Life’s Purpose

When you’re fearless you’ll live with passion and excitement. When you’re fearless, you won’t quit. And when you’re fearless you can scream out to the world, “WHO SAYS THE FAT LADY HAS TO SING?”

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