100% Guaranteed, Risk-Free Offer Quick-Reply Form
YES! Thanks, Wheatmark, I’d like to tap your team’s expertise by investing in one of the following services: a Book Publishing Blueprint, a Book Marketing Blueprint, or a Book Publishing & Marketing Blueprint. I understand that if I am not absolutely thrilled with my Blueprint, I can exercise my “Unconditional, No-Wiggle-Room, Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee.”
Regardless, the expert guidance I’ll receive will be mine to keep.
Of course, if I choose to work with you further on my project, I’ll be able to apply 100% of this introductory investment towards future publishing services (such as editing) for my book.
Click "Add to Cart" to place your order on our secure server for one of the following services:
Call 1-888-934-0888 x2 if you prefer to place your order over the phone.
Upon receipt of your order, we’ll get in touch with you right away to schedule your Blueprint session. Thanks!