Dining Roulette: The Truth about Restaurants from the Inside Out


John Brown

For the last thirty years, John Brown has lived and breathed restaurants, managing and operating them for several billion-dollar companies and successfully building his own restaurants. He currently runs Brown & Associates Restaurant Consulting.

SKU: 9781627871877 Category:


Dining Roulette: The Truth about Restaurants from the Inside Out is essential reading for every foodie, restaurant goer, and restaurant owner and manager. It reveals the secrets, tips, and industry information needed to establish and maintain a successful business, and gives practical, prescriptive advice to restaurant patrons about what they should look for to determine which restaurants are worth their patronage.

Filled with real-life, jaw-dropping stories from the culinary industry, this book is a wake-up call. Did you know that restaurant chains may become a site for the next generation of terror threats? What should you avoid at your favorite restaurant that will make you sick?

With authentic, definitive, and often humorous real-life experiences, author John Brown’s work is an industry insider’s take on the restaurant industry.

Brown offers prescriptive advice for restaurant owners, including:

  • ten suggestions to stay in business
  • how to beat the industry employee turnover rate
  • how to avoid common mistakes

For restaurant patrons, Brown gives advice on:

  • evaluating the cleanliness of a restaurant
  • restaurant vocabulary and phrases
  • fine eating establishments that every foodie should visit

Dining Roulette shows why health departments struggle to cope with the everyday challenges of maintaining proper health and safety standards, and why so many people die every year after being served in our restaurants.

If you’ve ever eaten in a restaurant or have upcoming reservations, you must read this book.

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