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31May, 2018

Fast-Paced Compelling Work of Fantasy Causes Us to Question Reality

By |May 31, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

Tucson. AZ – May 31, 2018 – Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Moodus Noises by Davis L. Temple. This fast-paced, compelling work of fantasy causes you to question modern reality and offers poignant critical commentary on our nation, its history, and the repercussions of what it means to be both an American and a human being.

The violent history of colonialism has plagued the American psyche for centuries. Some ghosts, however, are never laid to rest. When the Pequot Indians, exterminated by the white man in 1637, return to modern-day Connecticut to exact revenge upon the white man and his former allies, the Mohegan Indians, a violent supernatural confrontation erupts.

A beautiful summer’s day in the small village of Moodus is suddenly disrupted when a local man is discovered not only dead, but scalped; two others have been killed by arrows—all with white whales painted on their foreheads. Meanwhile, Sarah Gates and Rob Chapman, precocious teenagers with an eye for mischief, are searching for caves on Cave Mountain when they see something incredulous: a tall Indian carrying a tomahawk and bow and arrow. His face is covered in war paint and his eyes look dead below his Mohawk. Thinking no one will believe them, the youths decide to investigate on their own. But they soon find themselves involved in a war and moral travesty that stretches well beyond the limits of their experience or imagination.

For more information about the book, or to schedule an interview with the author, please call Mindy Burnett at 520-798-0888 x100 or email

More about this book:                                  

Moodus Noises, ISBN 9781627875974, was released by Wheatmark, Inc. on April 12, 2018. The book has 268 pages and will be sold as a trade paperback for $13.95

About the Publisher:

Wheatmark, Inc., founded in 1999, is a Tucson, Arizona-based publisher of trade titles that are available wherever quality books are sold worldwide. Wheatmark titles can be purchased in paperback, hardcover, or popular ebook formats. For more information, visit

10May, 2018

The Young Woman Who Lived in a Book

By |May 10, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

I remember the first time I went to the library to check out a book. I was six years old and attending a decently small elementary school in California’s San Joaquin Valley. It was the first time our class was allowed into the library outside of our set “story time” with the librarian. It felt like I had been wandering around for hours, I was so consumed. I grabbed Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus off of a shelf and found a quiet corner to read in. My teacher was looking for me as I hid between the shelves to keep reading for as long as I could before having to go back to class.

I was, and to this day am, the reader of my household. Once I have a book in my hands, you won’t be able to pry it out until I hit the back cover. I was 12 years old when it took me approximately 10 hours to finish the third book of the Twilight Series, Eclipse. I had woken up at about five in the morning on Easter Sunday and saw the book in my basket. I immediately ran to grab a blanket from my bed and curled up on the couch with my book light and sped through the novel, only stopping to go to church and eat breakfast with my family. This obsession with continuous reading and curiosity became a normal occurrence throughout my life. I repeated this pattern with books such as A Fault in Our Stars by John Green, various books of the Harry Potter Series (I finished The Deathly Hallows in 13 hours), and Dear John by Nicholas Sparks.

Fast forward to August 8th, 2016, I was sitting on my bedroom floor packing my room up to head down to the University of Arizona. I am loudly singing along to “My Sweet Lord” by George Harrison when I heard a quiet knock on my door. It turns out to be my dad. He looks at me and then glances at my old, dark brown bookshelf that is bulging with my ever-growing collection of books. “You don’t have enough room for all of these in you dorm room, you know that right?” he says. I was devastated. How was I to decide which are my favorites to take with me? Wouldn’t the others be neglected if I left them at home because no one would read them? He sat a box down on the floor and left the room. It took me two and a half days to decrease my collection from 73 to 20, a number that my dad deemed appropriate enough to fit in those shoe-boxes that they call a dorm room.

-Written by Ireland Stevenson, Intern

8May, 2018

Detailed Encounters with Native Wildlife in New Book

By |May 8, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

Our Desert Backyard by Chris Orr UnruhTucson, AZ – April 4, 2018 – Wheatmark, Inc., is pleased to announce the release of Our Desert Backyard by Chris Orr Unruh. This book is chalk full of interesting creatures and critters that you could encounter in our desert ecosystem.

The Arizona desert is teeming with wildlife. A plethora of species, including types of mammals, birds, and reptiles, all live much closer to us than we think. Our Desert Backyard helps define and illustrate the many creatures that desert dwellers might encounter so close to home.

Author Chris Unruh records her personal experiences with many of our desert animals while living at the base of the Catalina Mountains in Tucson, Arizona. Some of these instances include interactions with skunks, desert toads, and even bobcats! She also introduces us to desert plants and wildlife conservation here in Arizona. Even lifetime Arizona residents can learn from these short excerpts about the precious life of the desert.

For more information about the book, or to schedule an interview with the author, please call Mindy Burnett at 520-798-0888 x100 or email

More about This Book:

Our Desert Backyard, ISBN 9781627875868, was released on February 22, 2018. The book has 160 pages and it will be sold as a trade paperback for $14.95.

About the Publisher:

Wheatmark, Inc., founded in 1999, is a Tucson, Arizona-based publisher of trade titles that are available wherever quality books are sold worldwide. Wheatmark titles can be purchased in paperback, hardcover, or popular ebook formats. For more information, visit

7May, 2018

Heartfelt Short Stories and Profound Essays Found in New Collection

By |May 7, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

Tucson, AZ – April 4, 2018 – Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of The Fallacy of Closure: And Other Award-Winning Short Stories and Essays by Duke Southard. This collection of short stories and nonfiction essays cover a diverse ground of tales that will evoke strong emotions out of its readers.

Highly acclaimed for fiction filled with nuanced, believable characters, and suspenseful plots, author Duke Southard combines his stories for the first time alongside his compelling nonfiction essays in The Fallacy of Closure: And Other Award-Winning Short Stories and Essays.

This eclectic collection comprises a variety of expertly crafted tales — from a teacher’s scary night ride on a frozen lake, broken dreams, growing up with a Greatest Generation father, the tragedy of losing a son, and an apocalyptic fantasy. The collection also includes “The Fallacy of Closure,” winner of the 2016 Writer’s Digest Literary Competition, and two bonus chapters from the upcoming Parker Havenot novel from Southard’s popular detective series.

For more information about the book, or to schedule an interview with the author, please call Mindy Burnett at 520-798-0888 x100 or email

About The Author:

Duke Southard is an award-winning writer across numerous genres and publications. He is married, has three children, and lives in Arizona.

More about the Book:

 The Fallacy of Closure: And Other Award-Winning Short Stories and Essays, ISBN 9781627875998, was released by Wheatmark, Inc. on March 28, 2018. The book has 136 pages and will be sold as a trade paperback for $8.95.

About the Publisher:

Wheatmark, Inc., founded in 1999, is a Tucson, Arizona-based publisher of trade titles that are available wherever quality books are sold worldwide. Wheatmark titles can be purchased in paperback, hardcover, or popular ebook formats. For more information, visit

6May, 2018

Man-Hunt for Law-Escaping Criminal in Latest Novel

By |May 6, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

Tucson. AZ – April 4, 2018 – Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of The Vengeance Effect by Roger Neale. This action and adventure tale envelopes you in a world of dark pasts and rightful justice.

On a rainy morning in a coastal town in Washington state, a young woman begs Sam Troshin, a sportswriter for the local paper, to help her get rid of the body of a man who raped her teen-aged friend. His actions lead to his discovery of a trial thirty years earlier where three boys were acquitted of raping a high-school classmate. Two of those boys, middle-aged men now, have died in peculiar circumstances. The third has disappeared. The town newspaper speculates: has the victim returned to avenge herself?

A burnt-out pickup truck, a volleyball prodigy, an aging hitman, and a well-funded play in the local theater all have their part as Sam tries to find the third of the accused rapists.

For more information about the book, or to schedule an interview with the author, please call Mindy Burnett at 520-798-0888 x100 or email

More about this book:                                  

The Vengeance Effect, ISBN 9781627875738, was released by Wheatmark, Inc. on April 2, 2018. The book has 286 pages and will be sold as a trade paperback for $14.95

About the Publisher:

Wheatmark, Inc., founded in 1999, is a Tucson, Arizona-based publisher of trade titles that are available wherever quality books are sold worldwide. Wheatmark titles can be purchased in paperback, hardcover, or popular ebook formats. For more information, visit

5May, 2018

Second Volume that Continues To Show a New Side of How America Came To Be is Released

By |May 5, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

Tucson, AZ – April 4, 2018 – Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of The Yankee Road: Tracing the Journey of the New England Tribe that Created Modern America, Vol. 2: Domination by James D. McNiven. This is the second volume in this collection by Niven to explain this country’s rich roots of colonization and how America got to this stage.

Who is a Yankee and where did the term come from? Join author Jim McNiven as he explores the emergence and influence of Yankee culture while traversing an old transcontinental highway reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific—US 20, which he nicknames “The Yankee Road.” The Yankee Road: Tracing the Journey of the New England Tribe that Created Modern America combines fascinating history with a travel narrative, taking the reader on a journey through the places Yankees and their descendants settled as they expanded westward. Using a physical road to connect locations important to the Yankee cultural “road,” McNiven takes us on side trips into individual stories, introducing readers to the origins of such large-scale and diverse ideas as conservation, public education, telegraphy, mass production, religion, and labor reform.

This second volume of a projected trilogy, Domination, centers on the growth of industry around the Great Lakes in the mid-nineteenth century into the twentieth century, something that led to the Yankee victory in the Civil War and the emergence of the reunited country as a major world power. Erastus Corning, Ida Tarbell, John Brown, JD Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, the Kellogg brothers, the Wright brothers and Judge Gary, all make appearances.

For more information about the book, or to schedule an interview with the author, please call Mindy Burnett at 520-798-0888 x100 or email

About the Author:

James D. McNiven is professor emeritus of management at Dalhousie University in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada, and senior policy research advisor with Canmac Economics Ltd. He has been the president of a regional think-tank, a senior government official, and former dean of the Dalhousie Faculty of Management. He has been the CEO of a small technology company and a member of a number of corporate and government boards. Dr. McNiven has written widely on public policy and economic development issues and is the author or coauthor of four books, including the first volume of The Yankee Road,

More about this Book:

The Yankee Road: Tracing the Journey of the New England Tribe that Created Modern America, Vol. 2: Domination, ISBN 9781627875196, was released by Wheatmark, Inc.  on March 7, 2018. The book has 356 pages and will be sold as a trade paperback for $22.95.

About the Publisher:

Wheatmark, Inc., founded in 1999, is a Tucson, Arizona-based publisher of trade titles that are available wherever quality books are sold worldwide. Wheatmark titles can be purchased in paperback, hardcover, or popular ebook formats. For more information, visit





4May, 2018

Translation of Ancient Buddhist Text Released

By |May 4, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, Volume 2 by Naichen ChenTucson, AZ – February 26, 2018 — Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, Volume 2 , translated by Naichen Chen.  This book portrays a deep philosophical journey to help readers along the road to self-revelation.

Buddha taught The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra in sixteen assemblies in four locations over twenty-two years. It was recorded posthumously by his disciples in six hundred fascicles of approximately five million words and is regarded as the largest canon in Buddhism.

For the last decade, translator Naichen Chen has worked on this sutra, and it is the only complete English translation from the Chinese Da Bo Re Bo Luo Mi Duo Jing rendered from Sanskrit about 1,350 years ago by Xuanzang (Hsüan-tsang). This is the second volume in a multivolume set.

The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra is important not only because of its extensive teaching, but because it explains what the great bodhisattva, the great bodhisattva path of cultivation, and the great bodhisattva vehicle are.

It depicts, manifests, and provides guidance on how one should learn to become a bodhisattva—and eventually a Buddha—transcending self-interest to reach a state of emptiness, selflessness, and nonattachment. Regardless of where you are on the path to enlightenment, you will be nourished by its parables and dialogues.

For more information about the book, or to schedule an interview with the author, please call Mindy Burnett at 520-798-0888 x100 or email

About the Author:

Naichen Chen was a professor of philosophy, Buddhism, and education at universities in Taiwan and the United States. He served as the president of National Hua Lien Teachers College in Taiwan and the University of the West (formerly Hsi Lai University) in Los Angeles, California. He has authored essays and books on education, religion, and philosophy in both Chinese and English. He holds a PhD in philosophy of education from the University of Florida.

More About This Book:

The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, Volume 2, ISBN 978162787820, was released by Wheatmark, Inc. on March 2, 2018. The book has 462 pages and is being sold as a trade hardcover for $49.95.

About the Publisher: 

Wheatmark, Inc., founded in 1999, is a Tucson, Arizona-based publisher of trade titles that are available wherever quality books are sold worldwide. Wheatmark titles can be purchased in paperback, hardcover, or popular ebook formats. For more information, visit

2May, 2018

Fear, Politics, and Terrorism Come Together in Latest Thriller

By |May 2, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

The Red Saguaro by Robert LlewellynTucson, AZ – April 2, 2018 – Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of The Red Saguaro: A Novel of National Import by Robert Llewellyn. This Phoenix-based thriller brings national trembling fear to a local level.

On a scorching June day in Buckeye, Arizona, thirteen-year-old Juan Miguel Quilantan discovers a body impaled on a saguaro. The authorities quickly link the crime to radical Islamists who are planning an attack on the four million citizens of the Phoenix area, using some undetermined weapon of mass destruction.

Three people stand between the terrorists and a vulnerable metropolis: C. Ronald Cannon, a professor whose wife and children were murdered by ISIS; Laura Fatopoulos, a Muslim and FBI special agent who has dedicated her career to eradicating extremist factions; and boy-genius Juan Miguel, an illegal immigrant whose understanding of the electric grid exceeds that of most law enforcement professionals. Together, they travel to Austria and back—in only thirteen hours—to stop the terrorists from plunging the Valley of the Sun into chaos and anarchy.

Learn what the terrorists already know and your role to help alleviate this real-life threat by reading The Red Saguaro: A Novel of National Import.

For more information about the book, or to schedule an interview with the author, please call Mindy Burnett at 520-798-0888 x100 or email

About the Author:

Robert Llewellyn is an engineer, a seasoned leadership consultant, and the author of the nonfiction Leadership for the Recovering Quantoid: Boss-hood for Engineers, Accountants, Analysts, and Others with Severe Quantoidal Tendencies. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

More about this Title:

The Red Saguaro: A Novel of National Import, ISBN 9781278772, was released by Wheatmark, Inc. on January 11, 2018. This book has 320 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $19.95.

About the Publisher:

Wheatmark, Inc., founded in 1999, is a Tucson, Arizona-based publisher of trade titles that are available wherever quality books are sold worldwide. Wheatmark titles can be purchased in paperback, hardcover, or popular ebook formats. For more information, visit

15April, 2018

“April Come She Will . . . “

By |April 15, 2018|Categories: News, Publishing|

“… when streams are ripe and swelled with rain.”  With apologies to Paul Simon, here in the Sonoran Desert there are only dry streambeds this time of year.  It did rain briefly, however, on the Saturday, March 10, day one of the Tucson Festival of Books, but that didn’t seem to deter the over 100,000 book lovers there.  (The Festival’s now the third largest in the country. ) When I’m not working at Wheatmark, one of the things I do is volunteer for the Festival on the Book & Author Committee, where this year I was responsible for inviting authors who work in, or write about, the movie industry. Of all the authors I invited, the one who drew the biggest crowds was not a journeyman author with fifty titles, but first-time author Jenna Fischer.  You may remember Fischer for playing Pam Beesly on the acclaimed television show The Office, or from any number of movies or plays.  Why did she draw these crowds?  Because she’s a celebrity.  Celebrity means platform. The crowds were proof of the power of platform.  Interestingly, her book, The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide, contains a lot of excellent practical advice about platform building, most of which is equally as applicable to writers as it is to actors.  In the book, she discusses how long the journey usually is, and how key relentless networking with like-minded people is. That’s why every Wheatmark author who made an appearance at the Tucson Festival of Books (see page 3 of this newsletter) was doing exactly the right thing by being there. You can’t develop your author platform unless you get out there and get known among the community of writers and readers. One Wheatmark author who seems to know all of this instinctively is Mary Contini Gordon, author of Chiriaco Summit: Built by Love to Last in the Desert.  She’s booking as many events as she can in as many venues as she can. I recently attended one of them at a local Barnes and Noble.  Mary had a charming co-host, colorful photos and maps to pass around, and, most importantly, a bunch of fascinating stories to tell — all in service of getting the audience interested in Chiriaco Summit.  It was great.  Keep it up, Mary!

While writing this piece, I chanced upon a notice that Jenna Fischer will be at the LA Festival of Books on April 22 — not surprisingly, continuing to build her platform!

1December, 2017

Congratulations To Our Winners!

By |December 1, 2017|Categories: News, Publishing|

Congratulations to the following Wheatmark authors who were recently chosen as winners and finalists in the 6th Annual Beverly Hills Book Awards® Winners & Finalists.


Autobiography: Winner

An American Miner in Peru: A Lesson in Patience and Perseverance

Chuck Preble







Self Help: Motivational: Finalist

If I Can, You Can: Transformation Made Easy

David Zelman







Inspiration: Winner

Acupuncture for Your Soul, A Collection of Life Changing Aha! Moments

Rae Jacob



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