Finding Caduceus: A Physician’s Journey through Caring, Curing, Healing, Wisdom, and Alchemy


Michael Appleton, MD is a Hospice and Palliative care internist, retired from active practice at age eighty. He is a founding member of the Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. He lives in Clearwater, Florida, with his wife, Anna, and continues to teach end-of-life care to physicians-in-training. His hobbies are playing acoustic jazz bass and drawing funny pictures and greeting cards. Michael and Anna have two cats who do not get along and who do enjoy looking out the windows onto Tampa Bay where they can view all of the birds.

SKU: 9781627871754 Category:


In Finding Caduceus, Dr. Michael Appleton freely shares his life experiences. He strives, by example, to encourage readers to step out of the box and beyond restrictive paradigms so that they can explore new and interesting things, adding another dimension to their lives. This book will inspire readers to reach beyond a scale of one to ten.

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