From the Depths: Life Lessons from a Scuba Diver’s Perspective


Jack Dolan

SKU: 9781604949506 Category:


When Jack Dolan signed up for a scuba class, he welcomed the opportunity to learn new skills, have some fun, and spend time with his son, Tim, who enrolled with him. But as he progressed, he discovered that his lessons in diving were also lessons in living.

  • Every decision opens the door to a new adventure.
  • We feel isolated and alone, yet we rely on each other for our very survival.
  • Self-deception makes us feel better about our shortcomings; it doesn’t move us closer to our goals.
  • Of all the obstacles in our path, none is greater than the temptation to give up. Just keep going.

From the Depths: Life Lessons from a Scuba Diver’s Perspective chronicles Jack’s journey of self-realization. Through vivid accounts of his experiences underwater, we discover the sunken treasures that exist within our own hearts and minds.

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