Nickell John Romjue
Nickell John Romjue studied European history and German literature at the universities of Missouri, California, and Heidelberg. He is the author of official published studies of the historic doctrinal and institutional reforms and modernization carried through by the United States Army following the Vietnam War, including From Active Defense to AirLand Battle, The Army of Excellence, and American Army Doctrine for the Post-Cold War. His books are widely used in military education and in many current national stragegic and military studies. His history-themed short stories, collected in Out of the Riven Century and The Black Box: Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, dramatize the great why of the unprecedentedly violent, democidal twentieth century. He is the author of a novel of post-World War II life in a small Midwestern town, Merry Town, Missouri, and a collection of strange and humorous tales, Witches of Devon. He lives with his wife in York County, Virginia.