Managing on Purpose: A Framework for Guiding Success in the Workplace


Jim Hall has been a manager and a student of management for much of his professional life. His own management roles have included father, teacher, department chair, project manager, editor, technical training supervisor, director of training and organizational development, knowledge manager, human resources manager, and president/general manager. He currently does management and business consulting through Jim Hall & Associates LLC, a firm he began in 2006, in Hanover, Pennsylvania. He designs and delivers workshops and seminars and assists clients with business and strategic planning. His human resources certifications include PHR in 1996 and SPHR (senior professional in human resources) in 2007.

Hall formed his ideas about effective management from years spent working with first-line supervisors and department managers, many of whom were placed in their positions with little purposeful preparation. His ideas about how to help them have been further refined by working with business owners and managers on business and strategic planning—helping them discover where they are in their organizations, where they want to go, and determining how best to get there.

The chapters of Managing On Purpose are available in a variety of training packages. If you are interested in having Jim Hall tailor the lessons of the book for your organization, contact him at 717-630-0712, or e-mail him at You may also visit his website at or contact him through LinkedIn.

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Great management is difficult. It requires patience, empathy, courage, flexibility, and an understanding of how everybody’s efforts contribute to the greater goal. You may possess some of these qualities, but few of us excel at all of them—at least not right out of the gate.

Managing on Purpose is a concise, comprehensive overview that provides you with the tools you need to achieve results in an organization. You will learn how to:

  • communicate effectively with the people you manage
  • prioritize competing demands on your time and energy
  • anticipate problems and deal with them proactively
  • maintain your equilibrium in the midst of chaos
  • and much more
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