Performance Conversations: An Alternative to Appraisals


Christopher D. Lee, PhD, SPHR, is a human resources practitioner, lecturer, researcher, and author.  Formerly a question writer for the PHR and SPHR examinations administered by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), he is currently a member of its Exam Forms Review Panel. He can be reached at

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The Performance Conversations® model is an innovative approach to building partnerships for successful performance between managers and employees.

If you hate performance appraisals, here is an alternative. Learn to:

  • Use conversation instead of evaluation to describe and achieve great performance.
  • Develop a sense of shared responsibility for performance results.
  • Produce a work climate that creates and replicates success.
  • Engage and empower employees using 21st-century management techniques.

The Performance Conversations® model is a structured feedback and supervision system that uses continuous dialogue and adjustments to manage work efforts, outcomes, and behaviors.

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