The Pied Piper Principle: Lead, and They Will Follow


Trudy Jean Evans

SKU: 1587361582 Category:


The Pied Piper Principle: Lead, and They Will Follow is a practical and thoughtful approach to leadership techniques that will provide a basis to build or enhance your present methods of management.

Whether you are a student of business, new at management, or looking to improve your leadership skills, you will find this book a valuable resource, particularly in today’s business climate.

Each principle is based on the belief that people will follow those who have a plan, are confident in their ability, and believe in themselves. Just some of the areas you will explore are:

Principle #1: Everyone Is Watching—Understanding you are now constantly monitored

Principle #15: Learn to Hold—Learning when to press your hold button
Principle #17: Give and Take—Interpreting an old saying in a very different way
Principle #20: Get Your Hands Dirty—Being willing to do it all
Principle #31: Take Desire over Skill—Identifying what to really look for when you hire
Principle #42: Sit on Your Employees’ Shoulders—Ingraining yourself into your employees’ thoughts
Principle #64: Doing Something Is Better Than Doing Nothing at All—Recognizing that you must start somewhere

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