Bill Poole lives a quiet life in small town Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of an old school in New York State. He has pursued many interests in his life; some having received a murmur of approval, most the silence of indifference. He draws on all his experiences to create his works of fiction.
The River Quickens
Set in the year 2000, yet nostalgically focused on a simpler time of all male student bodies and simpler rules of conduct, The River Quickens is a witty and charming romp through the peccadilloes, egos, and shenanigans of life in a small college town in upstate New York.
As the twenty-first century encroaches on Talcot College, whether through virtual education, the hacking of admissions records, or even a secret lottery bonanza, the denizens of Talcot College and its surrounding village fumble and bumble to a Wagnerian and almost triumphant resolution of differences.