Publish an exceptional paperback, hardcover book, or ebook
Wheatmark helps authors write, edit, design, publish, and distribute their books. Our clients produce fiction and nonfiction titles in multiple genres (see our catalog for examples) and formats: printed paperback or hardcover books, and popular ebook formats: Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple devices, Google Play, and Kobo eReader.
We help our clients sell their titles on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and thousands of other retailers. We also support our clients in their “back-of-the-room” sales and, where possible, their sales to physical bookstores.

Wheatmark’s Process
Our well-established process helps you create a high-quality book.
Unlike other publishing services companies, we don’t just post a list of set package prices on our site and let you fill your shopping cart with items and services you think you might need. Why not? We’ve seen firsthand that clients who choose our individualized consulting approach are able to publish superior books that give them a better chance to outsell average titles from competing publishing services. We know one-size-fits-all packages rarely fit anyone well. Each author needs a different combination of guidance, services, and customer support.
Your Simple Path to Publishing